Quick Question December 2024 Result: What kind of non-medical interventions have made a positive difference for the person diagnosed with an FTD disorder?

500 people answered the FTD Disorders Registry’s December Quick Question about what type of non-medical interventions have made a positive difference for the person diagnosed with an FTD Disorder.
500 people answered the FTD Disorders Registry’s December Quick Question about what type of non-medical interventions have made a positive difference for the person diagnosed with an FTD Disorder. The input from this Quick Question helps researchers understand which supportive care is providing the best outcomes.

The majority of respondents (52.2%) indicated that exercise made a positive difference to the person diagnosed with an FTD disorder. Speech therapy (26.6%), music therapy (23.6%), support groups (21.2%), and brain games (20.6%) also scored highly in the positive difference they made.
Most people responding to this Quick Question were spouses answering on behalf of the FTD-diagnosed person (49.6%). We also received a large number of responses from biological family members answering on behalf of the diagnosed person (20.2%) and individuals diagnosed with an FTD disorder answering themselves (17.4%).
We received input on this Quick Question from all stages of the FTD Journey. The largest group were those in the middle stages of FTD (30%), but we also received input from those whose FTD-diagnosed loved one had already passed away (30%), those in the late-stage of FTD (21%), and those newly diagnosed (13%).

The majority of respondents to this Quick Question were female (65%). 34.6% were male. Two people did not identify their gender. Answers came from around world with respondents reporting in from 19 countries and 45 states.
Together we can find a cure for ftd
The FTD Disorders Registry is a powerful tool in the movement to create therapies and find a cure. Together we can help change the course of the disease and put an end to FTD.
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