Quick Question May 2024 Result: Did the person diagnosed receive electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) during the diagnostic process?


807 people answered the FTD Disorders Registry’s May Quick Question ...

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807 people answered the FTD Disorders Registry’s May Quick Question about whether the person diagnosed with an FTD disorder received electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) during the diagnostic process. 761 reported that they did not receive ECT. 24 reported that they did. 22 of the respondents were unsure. 




Of the 807 respondents, 522 were female and 268 were male. There were 17 people who preferred not to answer. 

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Of the 807 people who responded to our Quick Question, 393 were spouses answering on behalf of a person diagnosed with an FTD disorder. 260 were biological family members answering on behalf of a person diagnosed with an FTD disorder. 112 were individuals diagnosed with an FTD disorder answering from themselves, and 32 were caregivers answering on behalf of a person diagnosed with an FTD disorder. We also had 5 people who identified as friends answering on behalf of a person diagnosed with an FTD disorder, and 5 people who did report their role. 

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Answers to the May Quick Question came from around the world. 733 of the 807 responses were from the United States with 45 states represented. We also received responses from Australia, Brazil, Bahamas, Canada, France, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 

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